Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Eyes are the Windows...

So, we've covered what to buy, what NOT to buy and a few other things that should propel you well on your way to looking like your favorite celebrity or at least your ideal self. But...what if you're putting it all in the wrong places?? It happens...I've seen it...

The Eyes: They say they're the window to your soul. So who would want an undressed window or one with an unflattering window treatment? Here are a few "eye makeup" dont's...

PS...this pic is a DO, just in case...

  • 1,2,3...light, medium, dark...It's the paint by number technique we all learned in seventh grade. It seems simple enough really, but leave it on the school's not doing you any favors. I'll tell you why and what to do instead in a minute....
  • And the related "Windshield Wiper" know you're doing this! It's the medium or dark shade applied artfully, or maybe not so much, with a "crease brush" in the crease of your eye. You get right in there and then start the back and forth motion with the vigor of your windshield wipers in a downpour. Hold tight. We're almost to the "what to do" part.
  • Lastly, the "Wing"...I have requests for this all the time (???)....extending the eyeshadow beyond the natural shape of your eye. Cute on the runway...even genius in your favorite fashion rag, but I want you to look good ALL the time doing everything that REAL people do (ie. NOT walking catwalks or posing for the cover of Vogue) are your new simply as I can put it....

Your eye makeup creates a FRAME for your eyes. We want people to comment on how beautiful, vibrant and smart you are and focus their undivided attention on your EYES ..."WOW! That's a great eyeshadow trio you have on!" is NOT a complement!
  • So you only need one or two eyeshadow colors and a a shade that contrasts your eye color. (meaning not the same color as your eyes...brown eyes? No muddy eyes? No disco blues...get it?) Choose a flesh-toned shade for the lid and a darker shade to highlight the lashline and for definition at the outer corner. Or just choose one medium shade for the lid and a complementary liner. Easy!
  • Keep the darkest color on the lid or lashline ONLY!
  • NO color above the crease! Ever! In fact, the browbone doesn't really need any color at all...if in doubt, just leave it clean! We're not trying to get people to comment on anything but your eyes so, without being redundant, the color should be "framing" your eyes...
  • Liner....please, please, please (yes, I'm begging) line ALL THE WAY across the top lashline (not half way...half way means half $%# and besides...why would you only frame HALF of a picture?) Same goes for the bottom...if you're going there...
So, in short, if you've been spending extra time in the morning drawing attention to anything other than your peepers...your crease, your browbone, the fine lines at the outer corners.........why??????

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